Mibex Software GmbH
Mibex Software GmbH
15 April, 2023
Last release notes

Mibex Software is a Swiss software company that builds development tools for Atlassian products. We help you build better software faster with our innovative and intelligent development tools like our code review and configuration as code solutions.

Products and Services
repository-templates-for-bitbucket | Rlsly
Last release
29 February, 2024
Let's you configure default settings for your repositories. Configure a repository as a template and this app copies its settings (hooks, permissions, ...) over to new and existing repositories. Also supports mirroring content to new repositories.
include-code-quality-for-bitbucket | Rlsly
Last release
8 May, 2024
Integrates SonarQube™ into Bitbucket. Shows Metrics, Test Coverage, Duplicated Code Lines, Code Issues in Pull Requests and provides Merge Checks to disallow merging of new code if Quality Thresholds are exceeded -> formerly Sonar™ for Bitbucket
include-code-quality-for-bamboo | Rlsly
Last release
23 May, 2024
Bamboo tasks to analyze Maven, Gradle, MSBuild/.NET and Sonar™Scanner projects. Supports auto-branching for SonarQube™-based code reviews. Includes quality gate build breaker and incremental analysis feature. -> formerly Sonar™ for Bamboo
include-gitlab-for-confluence-markdown-asciidoc | Rlsly
Last release
13 March, 2024
Provides macros to include files from public or private GitLab repositories into a Confluence page. This helps to always have up-to-date project documentation (e.g. README.md), source code and config files in your Confluence pages.
Provides macros to include files and metadata from private and public Bitbucket repositories into a Confluence page. This helps to always have up-to-date project documentation (e.g. README.md), source code and config files in your Confluence pages.
no-more-secrets-for-jira | Rlsly
Last release
23 February, 2024
Detects private credentials, personal identifiable information, credit card numbers and more in Jira Issues. Works in Jira projects and Jira Service Desk.
code-owners-for-bitbucket | Rlsly
Last release
8 July, 2024
Improve code quality by using Code Owners for auto-assigned Pull Request reviewers and flexible merge checks. Also supports auto-merging Pull Requests to help focusing on PRs that actually need a review and shipping faster those that don't.
include-github-for-confluence-markdown-asciidoc | Rlsly
Last release
22 July, 2024
Include Git files and pull requests and other data from public or private repos on GitHub | Markdown, HTML, SVG, AsciiDoc and more
jupyter-viewer-for-confluence | Rlsly
Last release
23 July, 2024
A Confluence macro to render Jupyter/IPython notebooks inside Confluence pages.
pull-request-checklist-buddy-for-bitbucket | Rlsly
Last release
13 June, 2024
More than a pull request template and plain default tasks: contextual default tasks based on the pull request content (e.g., specific default tasks for images or Java files) or the source / destination branch name. Never forget manual tasks anymore!